[Firebird-odbc-devel] is repository in git or svn available?
bill lam
2010-10-28 01:56:25 UTC
The odbcfb source repository uses cvs, is it available in git? svn should
also be ok.
GPG key 1024D/4434BAB3 2008-08-24
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Paul Reeves
2010-10-28 06:45:28 UTC
Post by bill lam
The odbcfb source repository uses cvs, is it available in git? svn
should also be ok.
No and no.

But why? CVS works and the odbc code base is small. It is not as if
dozens or hundreds of developers are needing to co-ordinate their work
on the code.

Paul Reeves
Specialists in Firebird support
bill lam
2010-10-28 07:16:51 UTC
Post by Paul Reeves
Post by bill lam
The odbcfb source repository uses cvs, is it available in git? svn
should also be ok.
No and no.
But why? ...
The developers of svn or git can give some reasons. I'm not going to argue
unless the maintainers are also interested in migrating to another scm.
I just want to create a branch for hacking and still be able to rebase
from the main trunk in the future.
GPG key 1024D/4434BAB3 2008-08-24
gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys 4434BAB3
Paul Reeves
2010-10-28 08:31:18 UTC
Post by bill lam
The developers of svn or git can give some reasons. I'm not going to
argue unless the maintainers are also interested in migrating to
another scm. I just want to create a branch for hacking and still be
able to rebase from the main trunk in the future.
I'd say that the scm tool was the least of your worries. There is
nothing to stop you using git locally and merging upstream changes into
your code as and when they are made. When it comes to pushing your
changes, well, you'll need to prepare patches for review. Commit rights
would only come later.

If you get to the point where you are committed enough to the further
development of the driver there would be no problem adding you as a
developer. Then you could push the migration to svn or git yourself.

Paul Reeves
Specialists in Firebird support