[Firebird-odbc-devel] SQLGetDescRecord usage
2013-02-04 11:31:50 UTC
Dear all,
Apparently, my first post on this subject didn't arrive in the list. So I try

I assumed, that SQLGetDescXXX functions are OBBC 3 replacements of i.e.
SQLDescribeParam. Is this right, or, in ODBC 3 SQLDescribeParam is the right
way to get parameter information on a prepared statement?

I tried to prepare "insert into x values (?,?,?)" and SQLGetDescRecord for an
APD did return an error message (sqlstate=HY021, native=0, [ODBC Firebird
Driver]Inconsistent descriptor information), and for an IPD did return
unreasonable data. Is this correct behavior?

2013-02-04 14:35:48 UTC
I update myself :-)

MS states in the docu:

SQLDescribeParam returns the description of a parameter marker associated
with a prepared SQL statement. This information is also available in the
fields of the IPD.

That means, that the driver's SQLGetDescXXX function is buggy, at least for
the IPD case.

Post by Jojakim
Dear all,
Apparently, my first post on this subject didn't arrive in the list. So I
try again.
I assumed, that SQLGetDescXXX functions are OBBC 3 replacements of i.e.
SQLDescribeParam. Is this right, or, in ODBC 3 SQLDescribeParam is the
right way to get parameter information on a prepared statement?
I tried to prepare "insert into x values (?,?,?)" and SQLGetDescRecord for
an APD did return an error message (sqlstate=HY021, native=0, [ODBC
Firebird Driver]Inconsistent descriptor information), and for an IPD did
return unreasonable data. Is this correct behavior?
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